Phillip, Second Duke of York is the eldest son of Princess Adelaide and Phillip, First Duke of York. He is the grandson of King Edward III. For a time, he was heir presumptive, after his father's fall and execution, as the king had no male children. However, after Henry V was born and later bore his own son, Phillip was no longer heir. Despite this, he and some nobles feel he is the rightful King. Edward III's second marriage to Lady Roslyn York was considered by many to be illegitimate, due to their close familia relationship (he being her uncle). Therefore, their children, including the present King, would be illegitimate. Phillip is secretly attempting to gain the support of the nobles in the land to place himself on the throne, as his legitimacy is not in question.
Read more about Irena here.
In 1398, Phillip married Lady Irena Richmond, only daughter of the Earl of Richmond. Through this marriage, Phillip gained the secret support of several noble families as well as the wealth of the Richmond family. The couple had a son in 1400, named Phillip for his father.

In 1398, Phillip married Lady Irena Richmond, only daughter of the Earl of Richmond. Through this marriage, Phillip gained the secret support of several noble families as well as the wealth of the Richmond family. The couple had a son in 1400, named Phillip for his father.

Personally, I think that Phillip has a lot to offer as king! I mean, everyone knows that he is the rightful heir anyways!