Part One: January 10, 1400

Lady Seraphina Capp sat in the palace chapel alone. The funeral service had been eloquently done, though nothing could be good enough for the one it was done for. She shivered. Without the large groups of courtiers, the vast stone room was beginning to grow chilly in the brisk winter morning.

She was growing so tired of the court. Of the wispers that her fiance was the first to succumb to the plague that had ravaged the neighboring kingdom of Litolia. She knew it wasn' was not the same, but something different, far more sinister. She had to leave...

Footsteps on the cold hard floor stopped her thoughts. A familiar scent of lavander breezed by her nose.
"I didn't realize you were here," said Annette. "Do you mind if I join you?"
Seraphina sent her a weak smile.
"I have come to make vigil for my brother's poor soul," Annette continued, sitting down.
"I, too," Seraphina replied.

"It was so sudden," Annette continued, tears glistening in her eyes.
"I am leaving court," Seraphina said suddenly.
Annette nodded. Seraphina was lucky she could. As queen, she had to stay by the King's side. Especially with his poor council...she shuddered at the though to the Duke of Lancaster.

"Of course, you have my leave to go," Annette replied. Seraphina nodded a weak "thank you".
"I am with child again," Annette replied after a long pause.
"This is good news!" Seraphina said, taking her hand. "Take care, dear friend."
The next few days were long and tedious for Seraphina. They were no longer filled with romantic walks in the gardens or long horseback rides with Christopher. Everything was cold and dead to her.

Even more to her despair she was forced to endure court ceremony after ceremony. To celebrate the Queen's pregnancy, the King threw a large banquet. He also secretly hoped to take his dear niece's mind off her loss. She had reluctantly agreed to stay for it.
The King noticed throughout the banquet that Erik, Duke of Lancaster and Lord Protector, was distracted.

Normally the Duke was the center of attention, often overshadowing everyone. He nudged Erik.
"What is the matter with you?" Henry asked.
"Nothing, your majesty," came the reply.
Henry was unconvinced. "You are particularly quiet this evening. Something is troubling you."
Erik shot a quick glance down the table and sighed. Henry followed his glance and smiled. "Mistress Cap, the Lady Seraphina?"

Erik grimaced. "I have always felt something for the lady, but never had the opportunity to show it. Now she longer attached but I am now a married man with a young son..." he trailed off.
Henry smiled. "Yes, but there is no harm in dancing with the lady!"
Erik smiled, looking like a school boy and jumped up to ask. All the while his lovely wife watched...her anger growing.

Seraphina was surprised by the request, but accepted. The dance was like any court dance, but she felt Erik's eyes burning into her. After the dance he led her to the great dormer window.
"My Lady," he began, clearly not knowing what to say.

" heart goes out to you now. I cannot imagine your loss."

Seraphina smiled, for the first time in a long time. "I thank you, my Lord."
"Might upon you sometime, to make sure you are well taken care of? I know court can be a hard place to live...all the talk...all the people," he said, hopefully.
"I thank you my Lord," she replied, "but I am soon to leave court for my father's estate. I cannot bear life here any longer. I need...time."
"I understand," Erik replied, crestfallen.

After the banquet, Erik returned to his rooms and sat by the warm fire which slowly died away. He failed to notice, deep in his thoughts about the realm, his position...and a certain Lady.
"I saw you courting another this evening," he heard a familiar voice say. He looked up to find his wife.
"I was merely comforting the King's niece. We must keep in his good graces after all. His 20th birthday is quickly approaching. Only four more months and he will have absolute power!"
"You were not merely comforting the King's niece!" Alyse replied, disguarding Erik's obvious anxiety. "I saw the look in your eye! You have feelings for her!"
Erik jumped up defensively.

"How dare you speak to me thus! I am the Duke of Lancaster! The Lord Protector! Do you not know that I can get rid of you as easily as I had you?" he yelled.

Alyse stood shocked. "How easily you had me?" she whispered in anger.
"Yes," replied Erik. "You basically threw yourself at me! I only married you when you conceived my bastard as I saw no other prospects to having children," he said, nonchalantly.
"How can you speak of your son that way?" she cried. "Of me?"
Erik walked away. "Be relieved to know, madame," he replied cooly, "the King doesn't allow divorce in his realm. I am stuck with you until 'death do us part.'"
Alyse didn't know what to say. Sure, she had noticed Erik's cool nature towards her since her pregnancy, but she did not think much of it. Many men cool to their wives once a child is born. But this...this was different.

"Where...where are you going?" she called after him as he left their chamber. She was met with no reply.
Part Two: Later that Night
The old Bassette Hall stood stony and cold in the cold January air.

"Who goes there?" a voice called softly from among the shrubbery.
"A friend," Erik replied.
A dark figure emerged from the shadows. "Come," it said.
Erik followed, unsure.

"He has come, brother," the man said as he and Erik approached another dark figure within the garden. The man turned around.
"Phillip," Erik breathed, a bit relieved.
Phillip, Duke of York, smiled. "I am surprised you joined us."
"I had little choice," Erik replied, his smile quickly fading. "Your message was most...urgent."
Phillip smiled. "I see you got my message then? The Queen's brother is dead?"
"Yes," Erik said, though not returning the smile.
"It was not hard," Phillip said. "Perhaps it could be you next...or the King?" Erik was not amused. "What do you want?"

"What I have always wanted?" Phillip replied, his smile vanishing. "My crown."
"That is something I cannot give you," Erik replied.
The smile quickly returned to Phillip's face. "I have it on good authority that you are soon to be demoted to Gentleman of the Privy Chamber. A far cry from Lord Protector," Phillip said.
"I am a trusted adviser to the King. He would not do that," Erik replied defensively.
Phillip only smiled.

Erik turned to leave. "If you join me, I will make sure you have a greater post! Lord Chancellor!"
Erik continued to walk.
"Or, perhaps the hand of Mistress Capp?" Phillip called.
Erik stopped and slowly turned.
"How does that suit Your Grace?" Phillip smiled.
Erik bowed stiffly and continued on his way.

"What think you brother?" Edmund said as the two watched Erik disappear into the shadows.
Phillip only smiled.
Part Three: Three Months Later

Queen Annette sat reading in her chamber. It helped ease her mind from the sickness she constantly felt from her pregnancy. A knock on the door drew her attention.
"A Mistress Capp for your majesty," her Lady-in-Waiting said.
Annette's heart lept. "Send her in immediately!"
The maid curtsied and opened the door fully.

"Dearest Seraphina!" Annette cried as the two friends embraced. "How I have longed to have you back at court!"
Annette led Seraphina to the warm hearth. "It is most chilly this day," she said with a smile. "Tell me, dear friend, how are you?"

"Most well, your majesty," Seraphina replied, "as I see are you! I believe you are beginning to show."
"Yes," smiled Annette, "though this child is giving me particular pain. I am constantly sick."

"A sure sign it is a boy," Seraphina smiled.
Annette's smile faded. "How are you, truly?"
Seraphina faltered briefly. "I am much better, though I still think of him daily. However," she said, pulling herself up, "I am ready to return to court and serve you, if you will have me back."
Annette beamed. "Most willingly! Not only will I have you back, but have you as my chief Lady-in-Waiting."

"Who is this?" a familiar voice called. The two ladies smiled as the King entered.
"Dearest niece! I welcome you back to court!" he cried.

"I am most happy to be back, majesty" she replied. "How are you?"
"Most well!" the King replied, sending the Queen a gentle smile. "And very happy at my wife's condition. I have come to dine with her, shall you join us?"
Seraphina nodded and the party moved to the Queen's table.

The friends sat eating and discussing Seraphina's time away from court.
"What do you plan for your birthday next month?" Seraphina asked the King.
He smiled. "A reclaiming of my throne."
Seraphina's heart lept. "Surely you will not harm the Duke, though? He has served you well."
Henry smiled. "Of course not. He shall retire most handsomely rewarded..."
A knock at the door caused the King to pause.

Before the Lady-in-waiting could show him in, the Duke made his own path.
"Ah, My Lord," the King said, "won't you join..."
"I must speak with you," Erik replied, cutting the King off.

He walked to a corner of the chamber, out of earshot. Henry followed.

"What is this about me retiring next month! Leaving court? I have served you well and this is how you repay me?" Erik started.
Henry held up his hand. "I know how well you have served me. You are being handsomly rewarded for maintaining peace in my realm. Do not take offense..."
"How can I not? You will not even keep a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber? I thought at least that! I had hoped for...expected better!" Erik cried.

"My Lord, I must not neglect my other nobles. They, too, deserve a place on my council. You cannot keep power forever."

Erik's temper exploded. "You think just because you have a bit of fuzz upon your chin you are a grown man and able to run a country? Well, My Lord, you are sadly mistaken!" Erik whispered vehemently.

"How dare you speak to me thus!" Henry cried. "You are banished from court, my Lord, until I deem it good for you to return."
With that, Henry returned to his meal.
Erik did not know what to say. He stormed from the chamber.

Alyse cuddled her sweet boy. She knew most ladies left the rearing of their children to wet nurses and governesses, but she would do no such thing.

"My Lady," a voice called from the doorway. Alyse was startled to see Erik there.
"My Lord," she replied.
"I have come to see my son." Alyse nodded and handed the baby to him.

"Ah! My boy!" he smiled, lifting the child. It cooed back at him, delighted with the attention.
"How does he?" Erik asked, his eyes still fixed on the child.
"Well," Alyse replied. "He wishes to see more of his father,"
Erik did not reply.
" does his mother."
Erik brought the baby back down. He looked at Alyse, sadness in his eyes.
"Make sure the wet nurse feeds him often enough," he finally said, handing the baby back to its mother. Alyse nodded.

He then turned and left the room without glancing back.
Part Four: Later that night

Phillip fiddled with the fire. "Damn this old castle," he breathed. His thoughts were constantly upon his rightful house, the elegantly appointed York Castle. Not this old dump of bricks. The King had again refused his petition to return it to him.

Footsteps on the cold floor echoed in the empty hall. Phillip smiled to himself.

"I knew you would return," he said, turning to face Erik. Phillip sighed, his smile deep, "And so it begins."